Meet Pete, a security manager in DWP Digital.

What role are you in?
I’m a security manager for Health systems in DWP’s Children, Health and Pensions Services.
Tell us about the type of work that you do?
I’m responsible for the first line of defence, owning and managing the security risks associated with the Health systems.
What was your first job in technology?
Security Manager for Personal Independence Payment systems.
What attracted you to DWP?
It seems a long time ago now! I’ve worked in DWP for 30 years and have seen many changes. Regardless of the role I’ve been in over the years, making sure people get the welfare they are entitled to, has always been a priority and at the forefront of everything I do.
What technology excites you most and why?
I’m constantly amazed by the advances in medicine and the ability to treat illness and conditions that, not long ago, would have been untreatable. For example, I know of a child who was given a mechanical heart whilst awaiting transplant surgery – amazing! The advances in robotic science both excite and scare me at the same time.
Tell us about a project you’re working on
I’m currently working across a number of projects. I ensure that the security risks are identified, assessed and managed appropriately to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data assets and services.
Name one career goal you would like to achieve in the coming year
I’m looking forward to using our new Governance Risk and Compliance Tool. It will allow stakeholders to go to one place for a holistic view of security risks across the estate.
Name someone living or dead who inspired you in your career
Anyone who puts their head above the parapet, goes above and beyond and takes appropriate risks to make a difference.
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