It’s a great time to be working at the Department for Work and Pensions. We are changing the way we work to make sure that we build digital services which have users at their heart and in a way that allows continuous improvement and iteration. We are using agile approaches and bringing those skills and that culture into DWP to make sure that we deliver the right services for our claimants and customers.
For us Digital means
One of the critical enablers for our business transformation is digital. For DWP digital means one of the ways that we interact with our claimants and customers. It’s also the automated and efficient way we want our business to operate, and it’s the working culture, performance measures and tools we use to develop our services.
Our Digital Academy

Our Digital Academy is at the heart of our commitment to improve the way we deliver services. Mixing up theory and practice – with site visits and work placements thrown in too – DWP’s Digital Academy programme provides an intensive burst of digital training to specific colleagues across the Department. Based in either London or Leeds, the initial six-week, face-to-face training programme aims to develop the skills needed for us to create and deliver our own successful digital services. The course involves 4 days’ training each week and is led by a mix of DWP officials, members of the Government Digital Service, and external experts. Refresher sessions, follow-up gatherings and online communities keep learning moving forwards after the initial 6 week course.
Civil Service Live
It's exciting to be part of something that's truly transformational and we are proud to be able to demonstrate some of our progress at Civil Service Live 2014. At the Liverpool, Newcastle & London Civil Service Live 2014 events we will be showcasing the work of our Digital Transformation Group, the Digital Academy and 3 of our digital exemplar services. These exemplars services are Single Tier Pension , Carers Allowance Online and Universal Credit. We're keen to engage and share information about how each of our exemplars are developing over time and how we are building digital capability within DWP through the Digital Academy. If you are at any of the events I hope you'll make time to find our stand and come along to say hello.
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