Meet David, a Lead Test Engineer in DWP Digital.

Tell us about the type of work that you do?
Although I’ve tested many types of systems from software to web apps, I currently test data. The job involves making sure that we have the best assurance possible on data populating our reports and systems.
What was your first job in technology?
When I was 15 I did a week long placement for my local council in IT. I was mainly copying floppy disks that held the Windows 3.1 operating system!
How long have you worked in DWP Digital and what roles have you done?
I’ve worked in DWP’s digital space for 2 years now, making websites that citizens directly access. My current role is in data and analytics. I also have an overarching role volunteering in our engineering practice and the test community.
What attracted you to DWP?
I like that the things we do help people, as I’m sure most of the people that work here do. It’s nice to see something you’ve worked on appear in the media or come up in conversation with friends and family in a positive way.
What technology excites you most and why?
I’m loving home automation right now. I’ve managed to automate my lights, coffee maker and security camera so far. I had a push alert from the house when I was on holiday recently and thought I’d been broken into, but when I checked it was my mother-in-law watering the plants!
Tell us about a project you’re working on
I’m currently working on a project that links 3 government departments into one simple to use system for the citizen.
Hopefully it will reduce the need for customers to speak to multiple agents and give quicker answers to their queries. It’s the first time I’ve worked across government in this way and it’s presenting new and interesting challenges.
Name one career goal you would like to achieve in the coming year
I’d like to do more work in our test community. I love being part of it and I feel like were really making traction. It’s becoming a supportive group of testers who are helping each other as much as possible.
Name someone living or dead who inspired you in your career
Elon Musk. If you can launch a car that you built into space on a rocket you built, then you deserve a bit or respect.
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