Developing cloud expertise through scenario-based learning

'Game days' are interactive, scenario-based learning events for software professionals. Find out how our Hybrid Cloud team used a game day to develop their skills, knowledge and teamwork.
'Game days' are interactive, scenario-based learning events for software professionals. Find out how our Hybrid Cloud team used a game day to develop their skills, knowledge and teamwork.
We are really changing the way we work in government IT, moving from outsourced to insourced and jumping generations of technology so we are at the leading-edge of the industry. It’s an exciting and dynamic way of working and we’ve …
Blog number three from the Junior WebOps training program. Adrian’s blog back in July took us through the second block of the training so I’ll finish off with the final third.
To complement our blog series on the Junior WebOps training programme, I wanted to share what those of us with a little more experience in the WebOps team get up to day-to-day.