A brilliant 2018

As 2018 draws to a close, this final blog post of the year looks back, reflects and celebrates the great work of our colleagues and some amazing achievements.
Posts about the development and continuous iteration of the new Carer's Allowance digital service.
As 2018 draws to a close, this final blog post of the year looks back, reflects and celebrates the great work of our colleagues and some amazing achievements.
Our Apply and Maintain Carer’s Allowance service has just taken its one millionth claim.
I’m Melanie Johnson, Product Owner for Carer’s Allowance Digital Service. And I’m Jo Clarkson, Delivery Manger also for Carer’s Allowance Digital Service.
I’m Kathryn Baxendale and I’m part of the Carer’s Allowance digital service team. Carer’s Allowance was the first of DWP’s digital services to go live back in October 2013, and makes it easier for carers to apply for help at …
Carer’s Allowance Digital Service achieved live accreditation from Government Digital Services (GDS) in November 2014 - but this was just the start. Since then we have delivered major changes and new features all based on extensive user research and testing. …
How Agile has made a big impact in DWP Technology
A career in technology is not something I planned from an early age. In fact, I initially got into web development because I wanted to build a website to advertise my guitar tutoring business and didn’t want to pay somebody …
To complement our blog series on the Junior WebOps training programme, I wanted to share what those of us with a little more experience in the WebOps team get up to day-to-day.
“Perfect”, “Can’t be improved”, “No further improvement needed” - reading through customer feedback for the Carers Allowance Digital Service it strikes me how many of our users think that there’s nothing more to do. We can pack up and go …
On the Carer's Allowance Digital Service we've had two business Subject Matter Experts (SME) for the past 12 months, they have been Kathryn Baxendale and myself. Kathryn has been on the service since the very start of discovery working with …