GOV.UK is part of our service

Content designers Jo and Angela have changed the way we create GOV.UK guidance, helping 5.7m people have a better end-to-end experience of Universal Credit.
Content designers Jo and Angela have changed the way we create GOV.UK guidance, helping 5.7m people have a better end-to-end experience of Universal Credit.
In our second blog on Universal Credit for Services Week 2021, Jo Schofield talks us through a simple change which helped to make the service easier to understand for our users.
We are Digital With Purpose. That’s digital with people, passion and progress at our heart.
We deliver services for the UK’s largest public service department – the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy, DWP transacts around £212 billion in payments each year, operates out of more than 800 locations and has over 90,000 employees.