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Sharing our story across government with the GDS roadshows

Following the publication of the Government Transformation Strategy, Government Digital Service (GDS) have been visiting departments round the country in a series of roadshows. We hosted two of the roadshows – in Newcastle and Leeds – and it was a fantastic opportunity to share our story and build relationships.

Here’s a video of colleagues talking about sharing our digital transformation with GDS.

Discussing digital transformation in Newcastle

I’m Aaron Jaffery, Digital Delivery Director. I jointly hosted the Newcastle roadshow with Becky Leggett of the Digital Academy.

Aaron and Becky host the Newcastle GDS Roadshow
Aaron and Becky host the Newcastle GDS Roadshow

Our digital hub had a real buzz when the roadshow took place. It was really interesting to hear from other departments who came along, and to see the variety of departments and agencies in the north east.

Kevin Cunnington, Director General of GDS presents at the Newcastle GDS Roadshow
Kevin Cunnington, Director General of GDS presents at the Newcastle GHS Roadshow

Two of our digital teams did a show and tell for GDS – including sharing our work on the Get your State Pension service. Both teams did a great job of bringing the challenges and successes to life, and had ideas for the support and help we’d like from GDS in future.

Finding ways to collaborate in Leeds

I’m Craig Eblett, Digital Director of Working Age. I jointly hosted the Leeds roadshow with Annette Sweeney from the Digital Academy.

Craig Eblett (centre) joins in with a discussion at the GDS Leeds Roadshow
Craig Eblett (centre) joins in with a discussion at the GDS Leeds Roadshow

Like Aaron, I was struck by the variety of departments and local authorities who attended the GDS roadshow in the morning. There was a lot of interest in how we can join up across central and local government and spot opportunities to collaborate.

Three of the Leeds digital teams did a show and tell for GDS, where we talked about the Report that your Patient is Terminally Ill service, how we are using real-time data to reduce fraud and error, and discovery work around informing claimants of changes to their services.

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