Reverse Pitch: Calling out for collaboration

Find out how start-ups can apply to work with the Department for Work and Pensions and the Ministry of Justice on tackling some of the most complex challenges facing citizens today.
Find out how start-ups can apply to work with the Department for Work and Pensions and the Ministry of Justice on tackling some of the most complex challenges facing citizens today.
Chief Digital & Information Officer, Richard Corbridge reflects on his time in post so far and highlights some of our key successes this year.
Confirm Your Identity is a new service that allows Universal Credit applicants to verify their identity online. Senior Product Owner Alison Phelan talks about accelerating the project and the collaboration with other government departments in our latest blog post.
Thoughts from our Director of Digital Delivery for Shared Platforms Craig Eblett on the techUK panel discussion which took place this week
Last week we held our third hack, find out what hackers had to say about Hack the North 3.0.
The recent Product People North meetup in Leeds brought together the product community from a range of government departments. Product owner Dave Hardy shares his learning from the day.
At DataJam North East in Newcastle on September 17 /18, DWP Digital was part of 50 organisations from across government and the digital industry that came together to use the power of data and service design to help come up …
I’m James Barton, Head of Transformation for Technology Services in DWP Digital.
Together with other departments from across government DWP recently attended the Transforming Together event in London.
Hi, I’m Alison Baines and I’m a business analyst (BA) in DWP.