Most people claiming Carer’s Allowance go online instead of asking for a form to be posted to them. That’s because we’ve made a digital service that really is simpler, clearer and faster than putting pen to paper. Over a third …
We want to make better use of social media to provide a more professional and consistent experience for our claimants. Later this Autumn we’ll be testing and learning by giving access to Facebook and YouTube to staff in 3 Jobcentre …
Back in December, Amy wrote on the GDS design notes blog about start pages within guides: Lots of users navigate to start pages for services through content on GOV.UK, which means start pages repeat information they may already have read …
Carer's Allowance Digital Service takes its ten thousandth claim Last week the new Carer's Allowance Digital Service took its ten-thousandth new claim. Feedback from service users continues to provide pointers...
...About the Carer's Allowance Unit The Department for Work and Pensions' Carer's Allowance Unit is based in Preston, Lancashire. From there, around 600 people make sure that new claims for...
Kathryn Baxendale - Carer's Allowance Unit I have been involved in the development of the new Carer's Allowance Digital Service since September 2012 right through from Discovery into Alpha and...
Getting to this point has been both interesting and challenging. We began in May 2012 with initial investigations to find a DWP service that could be redeveloped using techniques true to the original Agile Manifesto. After lots of discussions, telephone calls …