10 tips for running effective user research workshops

User researcher Jude Eccles regularly uses workshops with stakeholders. Read her 10 tips for making the most of workshops to help with a a digital team's user research.
User researcher Jude Eccles regularly uses workshops with stakeholders. Read her 10 tips for making the most of workshops to help with a a digital team's user research.
Digital services are part a much wider end-to-end user experience. Jude Eccles explains why user research in the context of the wider service is so important.
Jude Eccles shares five takeaways from qualitative and quantative research with users of assistive technology in DWP.
I was recently asked to talk at the annual Visiting Service Stakeholder Conference about the research I’d done as part of the Discovery stage for the Visiting Service Digital Project.
Hi, I’m Jude Eccles, a user researcher at DWP based in Stockport. I’ve worked on digital projects for three years. In my role I’m used to working in relatively short design sprints, and tight deadlines are common when organising research …
We are Digital With Purpose. That’s digital with people, passion and progress at our heart.
We deliver services for the UK’s largest public service department – the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy, DWP transacts around £212 billion in payments each year, operates out of more than 800 locations and has over 90,000 employees.