Collaborating across government – and the private sector – at Transforming Together

Together with other departments from across government DWP recently attended the Transforming Together event in London.
Together with other departments from across government DWP recently attended the Transforming Together event in London.
Last month we delivered a breakout session at the Women into Leadership conference in Leeds.
Last month DWP hosted the first get-together for the cross-government product management community. It was a brilliant day - inspiring speakers, excellent discussions and lots of knowledge shared amongst a community of people meeting up for the first time. This …
Hi, I'm Zoe Gould, Deputy Head of DWP's Product Management profession and a Senior Product Owner. On 12 January we held the first cross-government product manager event.
Hi, I'm Zoe Gould. I'm a Lead Product Owner and Deputy Head of Role for the Product Management Profession in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
When I joined DWP as a Service Manager just under a year ago, the first thing I got tasked with was ‘digitalising the Department’s forms’. Which sounds like an easy job, yes? Except not really, and for several different reasons! …
We are Digital With Purpose. That’s digital with people, passion and progress at our heart.
We deliver services for the UK’s largest public service department – the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy, DWP transacts around £212 billion in payments each year, operates out of more than 800 locations and has over 90,000 employees.