My 25 years of solving problems and putting users first

...the right time in a fast, reliable and secure manner. Although the scale of problems I’ve been trying to solve has changed over the years it’s still about focusing on...
...the right time in a fast, reliable and secure manner. Although the scale of problems I’ve been trying to solve has changed over the years it’s still about focusing on...
...user research and metrics to develop a digital service that is faster and more secure for customers. And, One million people have used Apply and Maintain Carer’s Allowance. Previously known...
...and the secure transition between the systems at DWP and across government. When new projects are developed, we work on the microservice to help them integrate to DWP legacy systems.... progress and become a full stack Javascript software developer. I’ve had the opportunity to learn agile project methodology and how to develop secure, stable, scalable, highly-available software applications using...
...colleagues to attend and to share stories of the great work happening here. DevOps is ultimately about empowering stable, reliable, secure and responsive digital delivery at scale and at pace...
...DevOps culture, empower our developers and help to ensure our services remain reliable and secure. We’ve moved away from services which are focused on features and benefits, towards services which...
...multiple teams and disciplines. One of the key new experiences that Digital Workplace has provided is a secure, reliable desktop bringing the login times down from minutes to seconds. Part...