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Business Transformation Team

How social media can help DWP deliver our 2020 vision

Kailesh Sudra (centre) and Samiah Javaid (left) from BTG's social Media team at a recent event

I’m writing this blog on my phone - these days, that’s not unusual. Most people are familiar with how the internet and the development of smartphones have revolutionised how we live our lives and the way we work. And DWP …

Introducing our Enablers: the most critical parts of DWP’s Business Design


...these throughout our design, so that they become part of the fabric of how we do things at DWP: Secure self-service wherever possible – our ability to create simple, secure...

DWP Digital Academy: our 100th student graduates

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Business Transformation Team, DWP Digital Academy, DWP Digital Strategy

The first DWP Digital Academy in Fulham opened for business on 24 February 2014. It was set up to help us increase our capacity and grow more of our own digital capability across DWP. This week we reached an important milestone as our 100th …

How we're building our Business Design skills at DWP

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Business Design, Business Transformation Team, DWP Digital Capability Building
Affinity sorting

...Organisation Design – expose unavoidable trade-offs and assess the advantages and disadvantages of different designs. Organisation charting techniques - describing the relationships between different types of organisation units. Business Capability...

Discovering our Discovery: Scoping the Secure Communications Project at DWP

“I have a dream” a man once said. He went on to describe exactly what that dream was. His articulation was so successful that many of those listening heard a call to arms and understood that it was the start …

Creating a DWP Business Design and Transformation Community

Now that DWP has defined what business and digital transformation means for the department, we're fully focused on developing some of the things we need to make it happen. One of the important building blocks is a business design, made …