Hack for health: Join us in Leeds

James talks about why you should join us at our next Hack at The Studio, Leeds on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 March.
James talks about why you should join us at our next Hack at The Studio, Leeds on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 March.
For International Women’s Day some of our Digital Voices have blogged about what the #balanceforbetter theme means to them.
It's National Apprentice Week.
Meet some of our apprentices, including Danielle McLaren, an apprentice software engineer, in this blog post as they share their experiences so far.
We have lots of exciting apprenticeship opportunities on the way.
Find out what three main lessons senior user researcher Jason Bell took from developing DWP's digital Income Service.
Meet Shilpa, a test engineer who is part of a scrum team to redevelop and re-host a Carer’s Allowance web-based service. She's been in her current role since September last year.
Test engineer, Matthew, talks about working on a project to build a Java Selenium Test Automation Framework to work with a customised Siebel Application and run a fully-automated Regression Pack.
I've found DWP Digital and the wider Civil Service to be a great place to work, where diversity and inclusion are celebrated and supported at the highest level. Alan reflects on changing times for LGBT History Month.
Being a test engineer in DWP digital is fast-moving, interesting and challenging and it’s opened up some fantastic opportunities.
Time to Talk Day 2019 is taking place today. In this blog-post Jo talks about how the menopause affected her mental health. On Time to Talk Day we're encouraging everyone to have a conversation about mental health.
In this blog-post Jude reflects on her first few months working in our Newcastle hub in a new role as a data engineer.