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DWP Digital

Why I joined DWP’s Blind and Visually Impaired Network 

Image shows Andrew outside wearing a suit and tie

International Day of People with Disability is celebrated on 3 December. To mark the day Andrew, a DWP Digital Product Owner, has shared his reasons for joining DWP’s Blind and Visually Impaired Network.

How we’re improving payment account validation

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: DWP Digital, Error and Debt, Payment services, Product Design
Angela and her team taking part in an MSTeams meeting image shows a screen capture of the collaboration view

Validating payment accounts is just one simple thing we can do to increase confidence that a payment will be successful. Like all good product journeys, Angela's team set out to find out what the problems were with the existing solutions, and if there were opportunities to make things more effective.