Using agile in policy-making

I’m James Rogers, a policy professional in the Work and Health Unit, which is jointly sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions and Department of Health.
I’m James Rogers, a policy professional in the Work and Health Unit, which is jointly sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions and Department of Health.
Hi, I’m Jude Eccles, a user researcher at DWP based in Stockport. I’ve worked on digital projects for three years. In my role I’m used to working in relatively short design sprints, and tight deadlines are common when organising research …
Talking to customers about what they need from a service? That’s the Agile way of working, and I’m now a total convert. I’m part of the team looking at transforming the Budgeting Loan from a paper-based application into a digital …
I’m a senior developer in the Secure Communications team in DWP. When I started my career back in the 1980s, developers were often stuck in a room coding all day long, only interacting with other IT managers and developers. Communication …
This week Digital DWP is sponsoring Leeds GovJam 2015. GovJam is a global event. It’s for anyone and everyone with an interest in public services and making them better. We think this event is a good fit for us. I …
“I have a dream” a man once said. He went on to describe exactly what that dream was. His articulation was so successful that many of those listening heard a call to arms and understood that it was the start …
I LOVE innovation because of all those fantastic things that can really improve our lives. As a traveller, my smartphone brings me internet, email, calendar, photos and best of all face to face contact with my nearest and dearest. These …
Now that DWP has defined what business and digital transformation means for the department, we're fully focused on developing some of the things we need to make it happen. One of the important building blocks is a business design, made …
Back in December, Amy wrote on the GDS design notes blog about start pages within guides: Lots of users navigate to start pages for services through content on GOV.UK, which means start pages repeat information they may already have read …
During my time at DWP - a tad shy of three decades - I’ve seen a fair amount of change. In that time I’ve seen huge transformations in the way DWP customers apply for benefits and the impact of how …