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5 tips on running virtual events

Shows tech set up for a virtual event with screens and a tripod

Running large-scale virtual events can be challenging, in a new climate where people are working from home it’s vital that our colleagues know what our priorities are and how we are going to work together to deliver them. Read Andrea's top tips on how to do it successfully.

5 things we learned in the first 6 months of New Style ESA going online

A laptop displays the New Style ESA guidance website

New Style Employment and Support Allowance is a benefit for people who are unable to work due to a health condition. In our latest blogpost, product manager Lindsey Broderick talks about what they've learnt in the first 6 months of the new service which allows citizens to apply online.

Why you don’t have to be blue this Monday

Fay Cooper working from home

Monday 18 January has been dubbed 'Blue Monday', apparently the most depressing day of the year.
But don’t despair just yet!
Here some of our colleagues from the DWP Digital Wellbeing Forum share lots of ways to boost your mood.

DWP’s agile response to COVID-19: scaling Universal Credit to meet demand

DWP Digital colleagues

Most businesses can predict the amount of traffic that they’ll get to their online services. When COVID-19 hit we were faced with an unprecedented demand for Universal Credit. Find out how we handled the unexpected.

Remote access during lockdown: how we introduced a virtual DWP desktop experience

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Person pressing keys on a laptop

With staff working from home and a rise in requests to use our services due to the coronavirus pandemic, our team had to work fast to find remote working solutions. Here, product manager Joanne Delap explains some of the ways we responded, and how they're impacting our ways of working as we move forward.