How we’re helping people to Find a job

Find a job offers a self-service site for jobseekers. More than 14.6 million job applications have been made on the site since its launch. Find out how Product Owner Seán helped to develop the service.
Find a job offers a self-service site for jobseekers. More than 14.6 million job applications have been made on the site since its launch. Find out how Product Owner Seán helped to develop the service.
Becky Lee talks about helping to mentor local interaction design students in Newcastle and what she took away from it.
Product owner Karen Gibson talks about how her team simplified the interview process for work coaches by creating a new process featuring a ten-minute evidence gather which replaces a 60-minute interview.
Jenny Murray and Ian Thomson tell us how their team built the DWP Authenticate service to help third parties safely and securely sign into an internal DWP system so they can carry out their work.
Content designer Adele Murray explains the importance of designing content for the whole user journey and shares insight on how we did this for Get your State Pension.
A few weeks ago I took part in the hack at the DataJam North East event in Newcastle. The event aimed to bring the data and service design communities closer together and help solve problems affecting the North East region …
At DataJam North East in Newcastle on September 17 /18, DWP Digital was part of 50 organisations from across government and the digital industry that came together to use the power of data and service design to help come up …
DWP often works with other organisations and companies who help us deliver some of the services we provide.
DataJam North East is coming to Newcastle on 17th and 18th September 2018 in conjunction with Newcastle University, North East Local Enterprise Partnership, DWP Digital, local authorities in the region and One Team Gov. DWP Digital’s Celine McLoughlin and Ryan …
As a product owner at DWP, I’m used to working collaboratively using agile ways of working to build and iterate quickly, and most importantly of all, being user-centric and understanding people’s needs. GovJam operates in exactly the same way, so …