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What we learned from a week-long design sprint

Hi, I’m Jude Eccles, a user researcher at DWP based in Stockport. I’ve worked on digital projects for three years. In my role I’m used to working in relatively short design sprints, and tight deadlines are common when organising research …

Learning through prototyping: tools for Universal Credit claimants

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Universal Credit

We’ve been looking at some new ways of helping claimants and our operational staff to visualise looking for work in new ways. There are lots of variables to take into account when finding work. Things like: • understanding the type of …

Build better services, not just digital services

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Funeral Payments, Hardship Payments

Business transformation is about having a vision and making sure everyone is working towards it. Digital has a big role to play in transformation, but it's not the only answer. Chris and Michala, Product Owners at DWP, explain how user …

How user research is shaping the Pensions Tracing Service

Prototype digital Pensions Tracing Service

In the UK an estimated 5 million workplace and personal pensions are missing or unclaimed – these are worth around £3 billion. The Pension Tracing Service (PTS) provides people with the information they need so they can get in touch …